Specific questions to help you explore every nook and cranny of your experiences with Overfunctioning

Thought-provoking questions to help you connect-the-dots between life as a kid back then and life as an adult today

Inspiring questions to help you create the Self-Restored version of you who is ready for safe, generous love

Learn from a "Master Question-Asker"

With over 20 years of clinical experience working with Overfunctioning Women and relationships, Dr. Ashley has become a "master question-asker." Benefit from her expertise and wisdom with these unique questions that will take you deep into yourself. 

Dr. Ashley Southard

Hi! I'm Dr. Ashley, a seasoned psychotherapist with over 20 years experience dedicated to guiding Overfunctioning Women towards transformative Self-Restoration. Having personally navigated the many challenges of overfunctioning in my own marriage, while also guiding thousands of clients through their own personal healing journey, I intimately understand the brave actions necessary to heal yourself.

You are a Self-Restoring Woman who leads with self-respect, capable of hand-crafting the life you desire...and deserve!

Knowing yourself in the deepest of ways is your power. Use these questions to get to know yourself in ways you've probably never explored. And get ready for the most magical Self-Restoration.  Please note, this charge will be listed as "Signs of Land, LLC" on your credit card or bank statement.
